Hi, I am a 33 Year Hindu MALE. From last 12 years, My testicles always hangs in the scrotum like balls very loosely and they are never tight. I always feel that they will be heart while I drive a Bike or Run, etc.
Earlier, they were perfectly alright and tight. About 12 years back, I started to have nocto-urinal emmisions (night-falls), every week. After some months, there were some filling of itching over the scrotum, I used to make itching by hand, many times to remove itching. After few months, I don't know what happened, testicle balls hangs all the time in the scrotum and are very loose since then. I feel Itching even now and then and I use to itch around the scrotum by hand and itching is gone.
I still have nocto-urinal emmisions (night-falls), after 15 days or 1 month. I even masturbate, sometimes, so that I could not have nocto-urinal emmisions (night-falls). I feel ashamed on it. When I have night-falls, I become awake just after that and can not easily fall asleep for another 1-2 Hrs., and all cloth become wet. I want to get rid of all these things.
I am very much worried about testicle balls always hanging in the scrotum and I never feel tightness in the testicles and scrotum. I am also worried about night-falls (noct-urinal emissions).
Is all this OK or something wrong?
I am still unmarried and want to marry very soon, but worried about wether I will be able to perform sexual activity satisfactorily or not? I am very concerned about it. I have never consulted any doctor or anybody for this problem.
Please help me or suggest me, accordingly.
In hope of quick response.