I have this blisters around my thigh that is not itchy, but instead painful when touched. It has been 4-5 days since they appeared. The pain doesn t go away since it is covered by my underwear. It is painful when touched, much more when covered by underwear and I am not so free as to be able to just sit around. I usually walk around all day. So, the blisters located in my thighs are always subject to friction as I walk (or run). I don t have the time and wait for it to heal by itself, in which I don t even know if it will heal by itself. Some time after the blisters surfaced, I have this bruise-like sensation even though I have no bruise. It is located around 2-3 inches away from the blisters, in the upper-left area from my groin area. I don t know if these two are related or not. What could this be? And what should I do to cure these blisters?