Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagic
I will keep a possibility of scabies; the distribution of the
rash and similar complaints in a close contact (friend) favor the diagnosis of scabies
Scabies causes itchy lesions on sites like groin, lower abdomen, thighs, chest and neck. The itching is specially more at night.
If I was the treating doctor I would have treated you empirically for scabies; single whole body application of 5% permethrin from neck downwards to the whole body and kept over night for 8 hours.
All close contacts should be similarly treated.
Permethrin is a prescription product, I would suggest that you visit a
dermatologist for a confirmatory diagnosis.
An OTC oral antihistamine e,g
cetrizine 10 mg once daily will provide you symptomatic relief from itching.