hello there, im very concerned about something that only just occurred to my body now. in march this year my boyfriend and i broke up. we dated for 11months and wasnt until the 8month where i decided to have sex with him for the first time (i was a virgin) we only had sex 3 times during the remaining months of our relationship. i didnt want to have sex with him because he told me that he had genital warts (from his past relationship) and only told me when we where 4monts in on our relationship. we didnt do anything until he was free of the warts. i didnt want to have sex with him if he had the warts. his warts cleared up, and he supposely got another test done to see if he was all clear, and apparently he was. so at the 8month mark we had sex, with a condom. from then on we had sex 2 other times (with a condom), then our relationship ended. then this is were my problem comes in, the last time i got my period i started to get very very itchy down there, which caused so much discomfort, i soon found out that it was because of a allergic reaction to the pad i was wearing caused the rash and itch. after my period was finished it all went back to normal, no unusual coloured discharge smell or anything like that. it wasnt until my recent period that i started to get this concern that i might have herpes. i changed the pads i used to a hypoallergic one, which still kinda made me itch and have a slight rash. but now.. a few weeks after my period i get continuous brown coloured, UN-sceneted discharge from the vaginal. and the vaginal opening area is sore when its touched/wiped. it hasnt stopped since my recent period which was 2 weeks ago. i cannot see any lumps or anything. but yet again i dont no what they look like. its not anywhere else other than that small gap from my vaginal opening to the start of my buttocks area. (thats the sore area) please help me, i have only been with him, and only had sex 3 times.