Hi,sudden ear plugged ,post nasal drip irritated lung , short of breath took abuteral 2 days breathing fine now , can hear about 80 percent left ear after 10 days amoxcillin , presure gose up and down inner ear, i can pop ears lightly, sometimes pop on its own, its been 20 days , some times if i blow my nose right , presure becomes equal and feels much more open temporarly. worst in the morning clogged, useing psudafed,washing nostrals 2 to 3 times a day ,eating ok now had no appitite for a while lost weight , light exercise, no smoking or drinking pot ,beer hope this will heal go away soon away soon, been scared . bronchitis epidemic agoura hills ca. for me no coughing ,no sneezing , originally unproductive dry cough after 2 weeks able to cough up some and spit out. help!