My question is as follows, i have been visiting my family dr and an ENT dr for the past 2 1/2 months with no luck. not sure if it has anything to do with it but i was assaulted by a group of men about a month before and had my eye fractured in two places i was punched kicked and dragged. I first devolped a swollen lymphnode on the left side of my neck, it eventually progressed to lymphnodes swollen on both sides of the neck back and front. now my neck has become very stiff upon palpation there are spots in the neck that are literally rock hard and painfull. now when i turn my head left to right i hear a clicking noise and last nnight i woke up abrubtly after turning my head and it sounded like a rock being brought down the side of a cheese grader and it hurt alot. i can feel lymphnodes and so can my dr s but ct scan shows no swollen nodes. blood tests are coming back normal cbc,tsh, tested for hiv and all stds came back normal, sed rate and blood culture all normal, origannly thought it was an abcessed tooth i had so i had it pulled no change i was placed on antibiotics for two weeks no change. i have had ringing ear for about 3 weeks now also hearing test showed no loss. my dr is left scratching his head and keeps referring me to different specialists but no one can find the problem. any idea s?