I have gone through your query and can understand your concern..
As per your complain due to fall on face there can be mild
concussion and there does not seems to be any serious signs if he did not suffer
nasal bleeding, vomiting, ear bleeding, dizziness or vertigo..
As far as bruising and goose egg over the cheek bone is concerned it is due to
soft tissue injury leading to inflammation and rupture of small blood vessels that causes spillage of blood into the adjacent soft tissues causing bruising hematoma formation..
There is also accumulation of damaged tissues, inflammatory exudate,broken capillaries and inflammatory cells..
Nothing to worry you can consult an Oral Surgeon and get evaluated and an x ray can be done to rule out for fractures in cheek bone..
If there is no fracture he/she can advise anti-inflammatory painkillers like Ibuprofen, antibiotics,and alternate warm and cold compresses..
If he has also got
lacerations tetanus toxoid injection along with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory injection can be given for faster and painless healing..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora