I am currently taking 10mgs of strattera per day in addition to 80mgs of fluoxetine in an effort to control my depression. In the past, I have been prescribed cymbalta for cronic pain do to fibromyalgia. I experienced side effects including night sweats so bad I would have to change my pjs in the middle of the night as well as increased thoughts of suicide. I have been taking strattera for 3 weeks now and began with night sweats after only 1 week. I spend nearly everyday thinking about suicide and have cut off most of my communication with family and friends. I am currently taking a number of medications including lyrica (150mgs 3 x/day), vicodin, baclofen, trazadone (100mgs) and topamax (50mgs 3 x/day). I have also recently tried abilify and nuvigil. I have been diagnosed with major depression, anxiety, PTSD, fibromyalgia and sleep apnea. Most recently I have had a hysterectomy and two spinal fusions. My doctor has been very cautious about what he prescribes because of past side affects. Is there a similarity in cymbalta and strattera that I should be aware of? Should I be asking my doctor to try something different and if so can you give me any recommendations? My doctor is on vacation this week and I will be seeing him first thing Monday morning.