Thanks for your query.
Noted your findings of your wife suffering from
ulcerative colitis for which she is taking salazopyrine (sazo the sulpha) 1 gm twice daily and also have
rheumatoid arthritis.
The arthritis can be due to ulcerative colitis and and once the ulcerative colitis comes under control, will help for arthritis automatically, although she has to take medicines for a long time.
The additional care that she has to take are:
- Make a list of foods and beverages that instigate or enhance the problems. and stop them altogether.
This can be done one by one on permutations and combinations basis to get to the root and see the results will be fine.
Start with avoidance of milk and milk products and stop anything that contains preservative.
Go for organic home-made food only.
Changes in lifestyle to avoid all the
stress and
anxiety can have an added advantage.
It is always the way of life and an intensive course of medicines that always helps and to taper off when the requirement gets reduced. Hence it is not possible to predict when shall the regression be effective.
An opinion of a Gastroenterologist and a
Rheumatologist can help a lot.