Hi, I am trying to stop the Sertraline because I am doing acupunture. Its been working so far. I am also a breast cancer survivor. I was advised to take tamoxine and I refuse. So I am going holistic. None of my american doctors want or know anything about mind, body and soul treatment. So I just cold turkey off the Sertraline and Vernaxine. Its been hard for doctors to understand the need to clean your liver and especially after being diagnosed with 3 brain aneuryms. I got depressed after taking drugs for Hep C in 2008. So the depression was bad. So now I have a mother with dementia and I am stressed but the meds are doing nothing but making me agitated. So now I do have the brain chock waves, but they are leaving, but now the hives are driving me crazy. Itching and sweating overtime. Advise is great, all the doctors want to give pills. That s not for me any more.