Husband had angioplasty. 100% occlusion of RCA. Cardiologist did not recommend another intervention. 78 years old)
History: 2 prior stents with years between. Heart attack but no damage to heart muscle 16 months ago when stent 3 was inserted. Asymptomatic (last 16 mo's lost 9 lbs, low fat diet, on meds recommended by lipidologist.) SO we were blindsided by 100% occlusion is less than 2 years. ALL HISTORY IS SINGLE VESSEL DISEASE. All other arteries clear.
QUESTION--in the case of such an acceleration of plaque build up, atypical of the patient's history, HOW DO WE KNOW IF IT'S JUST AGE OR IF IT'S RESTENOSIS? Cardiologist dismissed question of stent failure with the comment, "That only happens in 5% of the cases...and it wouldn't matter now anyway." Does it matter for future treatment. (Patient has arteries from clear left coronary artery.)