i had sudden gall bladder removal surgery 2 years back after suffering from it for a month and having jaundice . I had to go for surgery with good faith and thought trouble might be over. But i think unusual real troubles started afterwards . i suddenly developed hyper tension , higher sugar , thyroid and higher cholesterol . I am 29 years old and i did not have these troubles and i was completely healthy before gall bladder removal. i have asked numerous doctors and no one have any clue. they said you need to be treated for metabolic syndrome . Any Doctor in forum can comment that would be great. I think if i get on thyroid treatment all these other symptoms might go away. I was on statin and i had terrible side effects. After having bad experience i had started natural remedies like no sugar diet/less salt , omega 3 acids, olive oil, oats , flex seeds, an hour of gym . after doing all these although my blood pressure is 130/86 and not coming down. I am going for further checkup and i dont have any hopes after not having any results. Any one know how i can improve on this I am taking all steps but no results so really hart broken.