hi...I m 35 y ( F). i ve been diagnosed with hyperthyroidsm since 5 months ago. Doctor prescribes me with 40mg propranolol and 30mg carbimazole each day. Symptoms like hand tremor, whole-body shivering and excessive sweating have gone away. But I still feel irritation, mood swings and depression. My job requires me to see clients everyday but at times I don t feel like seeing these people or talk to anybody or discussing work. I only wanted to be surrounded by my friends at times like this and ended up not doing my job. At this very moment, I feel so fed up, lost hope, depressed, bored, sad and angry all at the same time. I feel like screaming just to let all these feelings to go away. Also, now I ve started having nightmares at night. I would wake up at night feeling so scared after the nightmares but luckily I manage to continue sleeping. But lots of times no nightmares but still wake up at night. Sometimes at 2am, 3am, 4am or 5am. I always feeling scared and sad but I don t know why. I ve also gained about 10kg since I started my medication. So, I ve been cutting my carbohydrate intake recently. I started suffering muscle cramps and simple tasks like brushing teeth or ironing clothes left my arm muscles tired. I do feel muscle stiffness nowadays. These left me wondering weather it is normal for hyperthyroid patient under medication to feel like this ? Is the things I ate caused all these to happen? I don t smoke. I don t drink. I rarely take fast food or junk food. Please help me.