Hi...dear user.,
Thanks for choosing HCM.,
PIMPLES.....common problem seen in
Adolscents and young adults..,
It is due to hyperactivity of Hormones....
caused by INFECTION due to
So don't pinch or Pluck the lesions..,
1) Take plenty of water.,
2) Eat plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits...,
3) Tab..
Isotretinoin 20 mg daily for 15 days..,
4) Clindamycin (Zyclin 1% gel) ...morning times.,
Benzoyl peroxide 2.5% (Persol 2.5%) ...night times..,
5) Tab..
betamethasone 0.5 mg 2 times weekly for 5 times..,
ok....follow and get good result.....bye