I am 28 years old.i had masturbution habit in the past 8 years and i stopped it. After that semen watery fluids milky fluids is releasing from my penis with urine during urination after urine sometimes with out my knowledge.and frequently urine like every 2 hours have to go to pee and digestion problem.My body has also became very weak and lean ,think freely and deeply,memory loss,nervousness,lack of self confidence lost my boldness to face any situations confidently . Also i have very weak erection .i 'm not able to concentrate on my studies fully and not able to think deeply and keep those in memory and my mind has also became stressed some times because of this inability. What medicine should i use to regain my physical and mental strength Is there any side-effects in using the medicines. kindly,please suggest a solution for my problems
#55 - kumar - 02/05/2012 - 08:42