I am 59 years old. had a ablation round 10 years ago. Sister had hysterectomy from cancer and grandmother died with breast cancer.
Recently hospitalized for questionable stroke. Cat scans showed masses in brain, liver , kidneys, ovaries. Most were decided to be artifacts on new ct. liesions on brain and supcious ovaries were suggested to be followup. Here are my results for transvaginal ultrasound: Within the right ovary, a minimally complex cystic lesion measuring 9 mm is noted.
Within the left ovary, a larger lesion is noted measuring 3.7
x 2.8 x 2.6 cm. An additional adjacent cystic lesion
measuring 1.9 x 1.2 x 1.8 cm is identified.
CA 125 was only 5.5. This all seems normal to me. No symptoms, Referred to gyno oncoligist for new ct on blatter. Should I be worried?