I am a 37 year old female (not overweight) struggling with MS type symptoms off and on for about 6 years. They seem to get worse every other year. The first few years I made excuses each time I got sick. (I must have worked out too hard, my hormones are a disaster, ect.) I acknowledged it to be beyond my control about 2 years ago. Doctors tested everything then, sugars, vitamin d, vitamin b, metabolic panel, hormones, blood pressure, cholesterol, and found everything to be normal. This year came with new symptoms, they re-did all tests (still normal) and preformed an MRI The MRI shows 4 definite lesions in the perventricular white matter. The neurologist ordered LP, I had high Albumin 39.7 mg/dl and elevated csf protein at 52 mg/dl. No oligoclonal bands. So my question is: With no history of head trauma, no diabetes, no syphilis, what else might periventricular white matter lesions at my age be an indication of?