I am a 55 year old female and I have had back pain since I was 29. The event that started this was I picked up a lawn mower out of the back of my mini van. Something popped, I fell to the concrete and couldn’t move. I had to be picked up due to the paiandouldnt even sit on toilet. I had to be held up to complete this task. When laying down, I was unable to pick up my buttocks to move due to the pain. Keep in mind, I have always been active and never complain. I was a single mother for 23 years. After the incident, I was told I should go see a surgeon. I declined, instead went to physical therapy for 6 weeks while continuing to work. Although I looked like Tim Conway walking because it felt like it took me 10 minutes to get down a hallway that normally takes 15 seconds. I babied my back but continued to have problems with it throughout my life. It popped again one weekend as I picked up a small over shoulder bag and again fell to the floor and had to get crutches to keep weight off my back. I have been told in the past, it’s degenerative and I’m sure it is but all along, I have had severe pain lower back, buttocks, leg and down to two toes tingling and going numb if I stay on feet too long. I can’t hardly push on my buttocks because especially on the right middle to upper buttock, it feels like one huge bruise that will never go away. If someone pushes on the, I am immediately taken down to floor with pain. This has been this way for too many years too mention. I’m finally at the point, I need to do something. I should have done something a long time ago but I wouldn’t stop, had 2 girls to raise and couldn’t miss work for any amount of time. Needed my money.
Side Note: I once thought that because I had a lot of shots rotated from left to right side for infections from tonsillitis for many many years. I dispatched at work and wouldn’t stop to have them removed. I was told that maybe there is nerve damage from the shots.
Anyway, here I am, still in pain. I try to take care of myself. I exercise, I eat healthy 80% of the time, I take centrum silver vitamins and I still work full time. I have been working since I was 15; that is 40 years of working, non stop. I don’t want to get any run around a the doctor. Please help and thank you for your time.