I am a RED Head and what is the Dominant Medical Opinion on RED Heads and More pain than Brunettes / Normal Patients. I am a Red Head and fair complected, I have had a severe Back injury at work,, Lifting patients, My Diagnosis has included 3 Herniated Disks, and some Stenosis and a greatly pinched Spinal Cord,. MY QUESTION is , Because I strongly believe that through my experience that RED HEADS HAVE greater pain than Brunettes, The VA Doctor left me on 2 then 3 Hydrocodone a day and I WAS IN AGONY,, If I tried to do the activities I enjoy I would suffer for days and the Pinched Nerves kept me in Pain at 8 to 10 level all night unless I said screw it and took more Hydro and Exedrine Ibprophen. I finally got my Surgeon after seeing my continued pain Levels above normal,, I am Now on (4) Hydro 10/325. 2 Methocarb 750mg and Gabapentine 300 Mg at 2 a day
Long story but I am in Nursing and over the last 6 years through August/Sept of last year I have had 6 to 8 back injuries at work,,, VA Doctor put me on 2 Hydrocodone and 2 Methocarbamol a day for pain,, and She refused to have an MRI that I requested because in her words it cost to much, This was I believe in 2010 or 2011 initially,,, Last summer 2014 was the last straw after lifting a 320 LB patient who was mobile and did not want to use a Hoyer Lift, The Bed was inadequate where it did not Lower far enough for the patient to sit on the bed.. Top of the Matress came at Pelvis level so we had to lift her onto the bed,,, my Nurse and the Patient wanted this maneuver despite the Risks of injury.. And I got hurt worse than I already had been.