I am a health train wreck even though I work three jobs and spend my free time playing with my Grandkids; which is my joy in life; I make it through the day most of the time except for this past year when the disc pain shooting down my left leg has led me to some relief. On my last visit to my Internist who is my primary care, I was told that I had blood in my urine and had a high hemoglobin and high cholesterol. I have also for the last year been getting epidural steroids and selective nerve root epidural injections (for spinal stenosis desiccated disc's, degenerated forma joints and arthritis) . I also sometimes have urgency to urinate and have dark urine especially in the mornings. Sometimes if I cough or sneeze I urinate a little. I have high blood pressure that is mostly controlled. My BMI is borderline...5'5" tall 145 lbs. 58 years old. Every Dr. I have ever been to says that Cancer is not genetic, however that's one of the first questions asked. My Dad died at 57 of Renal Cell CA, My Mother, Sister and I all had hysterectomy's for pre-cancerous cells; mine in my mid-thirties. I am a smoker and a drinker. I eat a healthy diet; very low fat; high protein, low carb (the carbs I do eat are not white). My PCP asked for another urine sample last week, no results yet. I am an environmental chemist and have been for 33 years; analyzing water, wastewater and soil; so I have had significant exposure to a lot of chemicals and bio-hazards for many years.