I am a patient of HBsAG and has been under treatment since 2008. I am taking Tavir 300 mg every day till date as advised by my doctor. Regular interval check up is being done. Six months back, when I went for check up, my Fibroscan of liver was 10.2. My doctor advised me to reduce my weight drastically. At that time my weight was 103 kg. I was not able to bring down my weight. When, I went for check up again (two days back), the fibroscan was 14.4 and I was shocked to see the reading. My weight was 101 kg. I am really worried. My doctor has advised me for intragastric Balloon placement for six months. I am really worried and having tension. Is it the starting point Cirrhosis. I have been drinking for the last one year.... not daily but twice or thrice a week. Now, I am giving up drinking and intend to control my diet and exercise regularly. If I lost my weight within six months, will my liver condition be ok or normal. Pl advice me : should I go for Ballooning placement as it is quite expensive.