I am at a total loss as to what to do. I am so tired of adominal pain, nausia and extrem acid reflux. I had emergency surgery 1 year ago where they removed a 10 " centimeter cancer growth that had gone through the small intestine into my apendix. The cancer was at a stage 4, I was advised to fore go kemo because I was so thin and the doctor had removed 34 lymph nodes which were all cancer free. Nine months after surgery I started having blockages which cause server pain, nausea and reflux. They had to put a tube down my nose each time to suck out bile & stool, twice I actually went in throwing up stool. The surgen advised opening me up again to remove scar tissue, but the cancer doctor advised against it, he suggested to go from the clear diet I'd been on to a "cloudy diet". This is not working I have had all the symptoms that I always get, for the past 2 days. I am so tired of pain & not being able to eat anything. I was also diagnosed with PSC 5 years ago & have had ulcerative colitis since I was 11. The cancer was located where the large &small intestine meet. The doc removed 7" of the small intestine. What can I do to end all of this, I feel my doc's have given up, I am 64 years old & can't imagine living like this for the rest of my life. Thank you Cynthia