breast lump - hard pea size lump found in each breast a year after breasfeeding Hi there. I am 38 years old and stopped breasfeeding my youngest son a year ago. I nursed him for nearly 23 months and prior to this nursed my eldest son a year previously for again, 22 months. I have always had lumpy breasts but more so since stopping breastfeeding . I have recently found two small hard lumps, one in each breast. This caused me a lot of concern since my mohter wad recently diagnosed in her late sixties as having pre invasive breast cancer , which im told is the very early stages and not in fact full blown cancer . I have an ultrasound in two weeks after my GP found one of the lumps, and Im oging out my mind with worry! Is there any chance that after a year of breast feeding I could have lumps that relate to milk still being stored? Any advice please.