On Dec.12, 2010, I was diagnose with an ear infection ( the worse she had ever seen. I started taking amoxicillin , but stop about three days after taking because it was making me feel bad( not as much energy as I normally have) and I started to get these pains and headaches ( not saying the pain and headaches were from amoxicillin) Every day since Dec.14 2010 I have been getting a weird feeling by my temporal area.(left side) not really a headache, more like some pressure.( when that happens if i touch that area I can feel my vein. I also started having these shooting pains in the top and back of my head. As of this week every morning when I wake up there s a headache on the right side by my temporal area. I also havea little stomach pain on the side area of my navel, if the pain isn t present on its on, Once i push that area it begins to hurt. ( My mother has stomach tumors, two of my aunt had them remove years ago. My grandmother ad gastric cancer . Some other conditions I have are post- nasal drip ( sometimes green when i spit) and Ebsteins Anommally. My blood pressure is fine. Also, stomach always look bloated. At one point the muscles in my arm and leg would tighten for no reason. Sometimes I have a little chest pain on the right side. Thanks for any help.