when you get anxiety attacks can you get pains in your chest ? particulary(sp?) where your heart is, i just started getting them like 10 minutes ago, im scared because im having all these problems with my body and im only 17 years old and i started getting these sharp pains where my heart is, im freaking out, im really lost, i was already at the hospital today and saturday for another reason, im tempted to go again right now but i dont want to be labeled as a crazy person who thinks they have too many problems, my mom tells me i need to calm down, im just anxiety attacks but, my anxiety hasnt been this bad, my whole life, my body wont stop shakin, my heart keeps racing faster and faster, im so scared of it right now, i live 40 minutes from a hospital, im paranoid of having health problems, ive been suffering from depression for almost a year now, im going literally insane, help ! Thanks everyone, you ve helped alot yeah okay, im having a heart attack at 17 years old, dumb fool.