I am on a waiting list to have my gallbladder removed,my Dr had sent me to Haematology as I had been showing that my red blood cells were dying,he thought I had ,not sure of spelling,humanities anamia,I have had 2 vitamin b12 injections.When I saw the specialist 2 days ago he said I don't have hamalitic anemia & wants to do tests for lymphoma & multiple myeloma,I didn't mention to him that my father had had multiple myeloma at 84 as I didn't realize at the time,my Dr is on holiday until the end of next week & I am feeling very anxious,I did more blood tests yesterday but won't get results until next week,the specialist is wanting to do a bone marrow aspiration,I thought I only had a problem with my gallbladder & im not sure why they are doing all these tests,especially as I hadn't mentioned my father had this.Can you give me any more information please?