I am taking 5mg of Tradjenta, but I am having bad stomach pains. Ihave also seen my Gastroenterologist and he took an Endoscopy of my esophagas and stomach and he found that I have inflatation in my stomach and a small ulcer. The Endoscopy found that I have mild erosive esophagitis, erosive gastritis and an ulcer in the duodenal bulb plus Hiatal Hernia in the cardia and gastroesophagal junction. My Gastroenterologist prescribed 40 mg of Delayed-Release Omeprazole Capsules for the ulcer and inflammation, but the literature on the Omeprazolesays it can cause stomach pain. I don't think that I can take the Omeprazole because the pain in my stomach is very bad and Ihave to lie down when I have the pain. What iscausing the stomach pain? The Tradjenta, the Omeprazole, or just the inflammation and the ulcer. I'm not sure what to do. Should I stop taking the Tradjenta or theOmeprazole or both. I've gotanother appointment with my Gastroenterologist Feb.16. Thank you. I would appreciate anything from you. Crystal B. Saunders