I am trying to help a friend who is only 25 and a few months ago she started fainting multiple times a day. At first I think she has some warning but not now. Now it happens up to 7 times a day and she has what seem to be seizures now after she faints until she comes out of it and sometimes takes as long as 20 minutes to come out of it! She has seen doctors here in Wilmingont, NC, been to Chapel Hill, had CAT scans, ekg's etc. and they say they can't find anything wrong with her so they are saying it's stress. She has a two year old son, a very happy marriage and supportive husband, so stress does not make sense. She can't be with her baby boy alone because she doesn't know when it will happen. She saw a Chiroprator and didn't have an episode for 3 days which was the longest she has gone since they started, but it didn't last long. She has been to ER and checked out by several doctors with no results. It is so sad and frustrating. Should she try to get into the Mayo Clinic or John Hopkins or some other reputable hospital maybe Duke since we are in NC? Her life is totally in shambles and she can't work or even take care of her son. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.