I am very concerned for my husband, he has ESLD.. Cirrhosis from drinking bourbon daily for 30 years.. He was first diagnosed 10 years ago, but didnt start showing signs of ESLD until about a year ago when he was put on lactulose for a month to cleanse his body from toxins...He stopped drinking two months ago because his liver couldnt take the abuse any more..They took 12 liters of fluid from his stomach yesterday, he threw up a black substance on the way home from the hospital, our doc told us to go to the er but he refuses.. He says he feels alittle better and is going back to work tomorrow.. But he is so sick, he has had a strange and smelly odor about him for the past month, he is jaundice and very agitated...How long can he keep going like this? I understand that he will die of liver disease, but will he just collapse one day or will be bed ridden before..? How can I help him if he refuses to be cared for?