Are you in the same posture for a long time? If you get up and move around does it go away?
i do have a slipped disk on l4 which i did a few years ago could this linked as im also seeing a chropractor and find she helps but i ment to ask her about this im seeing her again soon 4 my next visit would this be worth saying about to her.
If you feel that it happens more often than it should, I would definitely bring it up to your doctor - not so much a chiropractor. But if you can move around and get the blood flowing and it fixes it, then you should be fine. Just try and stay a little bit more active, move around.
Pins and needles is called paresthesia.
Chronic paresthesia indicates a problem with the functioning of neurons.
This happens a lot with older people as the blood flow is not as good due to clotting/build up of plaque.
yes i told me gp about it as well i ment to say he wants me this tuesday 2 have a blood vitamin test for b12 or something the thing is i had a dibetes test done 2 weeks ago and that was all normal. but i dont know if this is diffrent test but im worried if it proves normal gp said if its normal there is nothing further they can do as thay cant give tablets he said 4 this thing. but as i said i got the rest on tuesday now at the surgery.