I am 29yrs old and I never ever get my period.. not even cramps or anything. If I am on the pill I do get my period every month, but not on any birth control I don t get my period ever. I have been off birth control for the past two yrs. trying to get pregnant and still no luck. We were never seriously trying.. just if it happen we got pregnant we would be happy. ever since I was 16 or younger I have never gotten it.. unless i was on birth control. about 4 yrs ago we become pregnant, however it was our best decision at the time to abort it. I am 120 lbs, 5 2,somewhat active (not too over active), i don t have stress, or gain or loose weight quickly. I can say I am pretty normal and don t have any issues. Except for that I never get my period. I have always been on and off birth control, mainly because I never liked to get my period an I know if i wasn t sexually active I would need to be. I have told my gyn. about this and she has never been concerned? should I be now? I have been trying to keep track of my temperature every morning however this is a struggle because I am very groggy when I wake up in the morning... that is to see when I am ovulating. Anyway.. do you have any answers or any tricks I can pull off to get pregnant or figure out when I am ovulating? or if I am?