I had my 1st daughter on December 21 2015. So I'm new to all this mother thing. I've done the best I can for the 1st year because it wasn't that complicated when it came down to feeding her, changing her dippers, put her to sleep for her naps, and also putting her to sleep for bedtime. She's 1 now and a lot of things have changed. She's developing, is very curious, eats different varieties of foods, understands the main concepts that I've taught her, says "mama", "papa", (daddy in spanish), no, peek-a-boo, sticks her tongue out, and a couple more things. Now these are my main questions since she's my first daughter and young because I only have 23 going on 24 coming soon. Here are my questions and hopefully I hear from you as soon as possible.
1. What would be a good schedule for her that can turn into a consistent routine that will be done everyday.
2. She was born premature because I had a leak which the doctors didn't have an explanation of why it happened (1 month early and 1 month in the N.I.C.U. Department), so because of her being born as a premature baby, would that affect any of the routines that you may help me with work with her in that situation?
3. What's a good time for bedtime?
4. If she doesn't want to go to sleep and starts crying, should I leave her in her crib until she stops crying and gets the point that is time to sleep? Or when she cries pick her up and try to do something about it?
5. When is bedtime and she doesn't want to sleep at all and wants to play instead should I let her play until she gets tired or do what the answer is going to be from question 4?
6. Good idea to take her to a park to play when it gets warmer? Since now it's very cold and I don't want her to be exposed to that and probably get sick.
7. Would signing her up for Day-Care be a good idea at this age so she can start getting used to meeting new kids, play with them, socialize with her little vocabulary, and most important, be able to be with them and be okay with mommy and daddy not in the room?
8. Can a 1 yr. old be able to fly an airplane?
9. What can I do to keep her busy and entertained in the house for a long period of time?
10. How many naps should she take during the whole day until bed-time?
11. What can I do to have her sleeping the whole night and not wake up until it is time to wake up?
12. Good times for eating? When waking up, mid-day lunch, 4:00 PM- 6:00 PM dinner, and before bedtime, maybe a good snack and her milk be okay? Or switch it up with the answer that your going to provide me?
13. During this process is there going to be a lot of crying, and irritation from both sides?
14. When is time for bed and she has already taken her milk and done everything, if she still is crying with tears and everything, should I still leave her there crying until she gets tired or what would be the best thing to do. It's heart-breaking and it breaks my heart every time she cries like that. But since your the doctor I'm going to follow the orders that you gave me in those answers and do what I have to do.
15.How many hrs. should she be during the day? How many hrs. should she sleep at night? how long should her nap times be?
Ok doctor those are the main answers at this point. I know I have more but I've been so busy that I can't think of the other ones at this moment, but I promise you ones I do I will ask you. So please help me and answer the questions in the following. I really need help. My daughters doctor is very good, but when I ask her these type of questions, she don't really answer them in a way that I would understand. Hope to hear from you very soon.
Thank you very much !
Sincerely, Newly & Desperate Mother