I had sex with a prostitute 6 months and 26 days back. It was protected. But in excitement I licked her vagina once or twice without any protection. After three months I got some problem in my pennis. Paining after peeing. Doctor said it has infection and It went cleared in 7 days of medication.As per the doctor said after three months of exposure I have done test of VDRL,Hbsag,HCV and HIV rapid 1&2 .All were negative. Also after 6 months of exposure I have done the HIV test again and it became negative too. But still I am worrying and scared. I have ashamed and feeling guilty of the work i have done in my past. I have promised my self to not repeat that work again. My question is there still any chances of STD related diseases, or HIV for me in future ? Shall I need to do any further test for ghoneria,chlymadia, herpes, trichomonasis etc or shall i need to repeat the test i have done earlier like hepatitis, hiv, syphils or its conclusive for all of now ? Kindly help.