I had wrist surgery , I am a 52 year old male , never get sick , only took antibiotics 3 times the last 25 years . They gave me IV ceflazolin as precaution , I stayed at hospital for 3 days , they gave me ketoloric 30 mg every 6 hours (max ) fda approved , and had me taking 1000 mg vitamin c per day ,I have never had gi bleeding or c- diff , my stools were normal , on the third day I noticed slight mucus with normal stools , this continued and slowly worsened over 3 weeks and ended up having blood with more mucus , - erosion of my glycocalyx , never had direreha . Could the combination of cefaxolin and maximum dose of toradol cause the erosion of my gi lining - glycocalyx , - inflamed colitis , And could that condition have left my gi vonerable to c- diff , please help