I have Hashimoto's disease. Over the years, I've developed a number of problems including low vitamin D, which at one point was only 16, so my doctor gave me vitamin d2 supplements once a week. I also take vitamin d3, both of which put me in the normal range of 30. I recently had an atrial fibrillation, for which I had a cardioversion. When I had my check up the cardiologist said I had an elevated cholesterol and was prescribed lipitor and now I'm developing a lot of bruising. At present, I have a huge one on my leg. and a few on my inner hand where the fingers start. It croses like 3 fingers. I've only been on it since August. Should I try another or stay with what I'm on. The bruises don't really hurt, they are just huge.It seems that almost every body system has been affected. I've also developed diverticulitis and colitis. Needless to say, I live with pain, mental fogginess etc. If