I have MS & I'm having a severe flare up. My primary care doctor prescribed prednisone , 12 days starting at 60 mg, two days decrease by 1, repeat. She also told me to find a neurologist. I have been off the med 10 days now & my symptoms are worse.
I moved out of state 1 year ago. I called my neurologist in Ma. & was told he retired. He was my neurologist 30 years and I saw him quarterly up until I moved. I have very few records & cannot track him down. I called USF's MS clinic in Tampa and
was given an appointment in July. I need care now & don't know what to do.
I have complete brain fog, exhaustion, walking & balance issues, numbness, tingling, burning pain in my feet, legs, hands & face. I have trigeminal nerve troubles, and I have urinary & bowel issues that need attention. The most problematic is the brain fog being so unpredictable. I cannot concentrate, reason with people, carry on a conversation. When I in the car I feel like I'm in a simulator and everything is comeingj towards me. I have also had 3 UTI' s in the past year. I cannot fully empty but always need to go. So I sit & count how long to get the flow srarted. In the end I haven't fully emptied. Any suggestions on how to get set much sooner with the doctors while this happening?