I have a client maybe over 65 years old. She has been complaining of pain typically associated with Sciatica for about two weeks. However today, she started having severe shooting pains from her hip/glut area, post massage therapy, to her ankle and top of her foot. All of a sudden she couldn't walk or plant her foot without more severe pain. As a massage therapist, I deal with sciatica or Piriformis symdrome and related issues on a daily, but I am a lost. I have a few ideas but nothing substantial enough to give her advice for treatment other than go see her doctor. Her daughter and I are trying to determine the exact source or origin it could be. She took 600mg of Ibuprofen and is trying to relax a little before going to get x-rays. It sounds like it could be more Nueromuscular related or Maybe fracture somewhere... no clue. Based on this, do you have any idea of what this could be or have you heard of anything like this before?