I have a lot of things that have been diagnosed by physicians. I am wondering if there is a common denominator that may be causing all of them. They are as follows: Gastritis, Severe Constipation, PVC's(skipped heart beat), Coccydinia- Shots every 6 months for 5 years, Salivary Stones- from antihistimnes, Interstial Cystitis, Allergies-mold, trees, grass, Burcytis in hip, Osteopenia, Cyst on ovaries.
Right now my biggest problem is I have the Gastritis and Constipation. I have been taking laxitives for years. This is the only way. I have tried probiotics, changing my eating and drinking water, excerzing. I feel like I have a lot of inflammation in by body and because I get shots for inflammation in tailbone, hip this I wonder could it be causing the stomach issues.