I have a lump on my left testicle. The first time I noticed it I was about 12, 13 years old. I was riding my bike, jumping a ramp I'd built. After hours of that I noticed that I felt like I had "blue balls". I had just switched from briefs to boxers and with all the jumping my bike I attributed the pain to my nuts banging into the seat for hours. It felt a bit better when I supported them in my hand and that's when I found it. About half the size of a BB, it wasn't noticeable before and this was the first my balls had any pain. It's never really bothered me at all but it has grown to the size of maybe a peanut, and I do think that my left ball has shrunk a bit. I found that lump over 25 years ago, I am 37 years old now! Recently it gives me a bit of discomfort occasionally and the lump grew very slowly over all these years without any noticeable or dramatic growth spurts, but I have noticed in the past month or two it got a bit bigger enough that I noticed. (I feel it with my fingers all the time) could a man have ball cancer for over 25 years and not have issues with his health related to it? What could it possibly be besides cancer?