I don t masturbate or have intercourse because it gives me no sense of pleasure and I prefer to focus on other areas of life rather than have this over take my life. With that said, when I did masturbate or had intercourse, I noticed back pain, fatigue, brain fog, visible bulging veins, nausea, excessive under am sweating and headaches. The symptoms seem to go away after about a month but I know that this is related to another illness of some sort. I read other posts relating to masturbation and how the body releases several hormones and neurotransmitters in excess. Could it be that I have an imbalance of the two and I release the small amount which my body has stored in excess ? Also, I noticed that when I take a natural or prescribed supplement, as soon as I masturbate or release semen, it loses its effectiveness and I have to wait another month to begin the medication to see any improvements. If I don t, I only experience the side effects of the medication rather than notice the benefits its provided after 4-6 weeks of supplementing. I noticed this with 5-HTP (serotonin enhancer) as it provided a sense of well being but the masturbation only diminished its effectiveness. I have tried antidepressants and the same occurred.