I have been feeling awful for awhile now... as in weeks. After Christmas, I went to Urgent Care regarding a gum infection, possible sinus infection, style in eye, wheezing (I'm not asthmatic that I know of... though am 38 and have smoked cigarettes on and off since around 20 years old). My groats feels soar and tight. It appears that in the back of my throat, the areas where my tonsils once were (removed 8 years ago due to ongoing strep infections) is inflamed, has indications of puss/infection/lesions, and it's as if the skin folds (usually relaxed and able to expand) are tight and adhered together. I too have noticed this hard lump behind my uvula that feels hard like bone as the one described in the question which led me here. I massage my neck, lymph nodes are swollen, and have noticed such bumps further down my throat as well. I feel horrible. I've been on vacation 2 weeks and have felt bad most of it. I felt yucky before this. In fact, I've felt yucky for quite awhile now... Know it was prior to Thanksgiving. At Urgent Care, they gave me scripts for keflex and an inhaler. I took the antibiotics. I still feel bad. Doctor can't see me this week. Considering going back to urgent care tomorrow. I teach and school starts soon. I need to feel better. What dos I do. Please help. Thank you.