I have been on the Nuvaring for 4 years now. I've never had any issues and I've been religious about using it as birth control. Last month, I had my period at the end of September but it was hard to tell if there were clots. This month, I was due to take my Nuvaring out yesterday 10-21-15, which I did. My normal periods are that I take my Nuvaring out and about 2 days later, I start bleeding. I have not started bleeding but have now had 2 instances in the last 3 days where i have a little bit of bright red blood, not enough to even fill a small pad. When I was pregnant the first time, the OBGYN's urine sample indicated I had an ectopic pregnancy due to low amounts of hormones but when an ultrasound was done, it showed I was 3 months pregnant. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests and both are negative. I'm wondering what I should do. I feel like I'm pregnant - random nausea, cravings for certain foods, very tired, etc. is this kind of normal?