I have been on warfarin for 18 months 3 months ago I had a nasty fall and fell flat on my back hitting my head, three days later I slipped going down a slippery pathway landing on my behind with a heavy fall I have been to the chiropractor and he treated twice putting my shoulders right and lower back but I have been told not to go back as it could cause bruising since then three months ago my shoulders, neck and lower back have been so painful I now find that I can hardly walk, sit for over an hour and can hardly get out of bed, I find it hard bending, and can hardly put on my clothes and shoes on top of all this I find I am quite out of breathe attempting all these tasks, I don't take any pain killers, as I also have fibro myalgia and autoimmune disease I take prednisone 1 mg warfarin 5mg my blood count for warfarin is always up and down and on top of that I take thyroxine for an overactive thyroid I am 59 years of age and am getting absolutely sick of it .