I have been studying MS...I am sure I have all the symptoms....I have read so much..at present I am on steroids, 10 mg. prednisolne,,,and have heart problem, just started last year,,,and I a taking small amount of oramorphihe....I have termporarl artritis now for about 4 yeares or so, and polymyalgia...ii have had to hip replacements, and a knee replacemeht...I have symptoms right through the ones that occur in MS...balance, fatigue, numbness, tingling in leg...I have had two falls indoors..so nervous of going out, as I am very shaky now...I could say lots more...my doctor is not very good these days, and rushes me out the surgery..they are so busy...I asked her twice about MS, and she said "I don't THINK so.."...and the heart nurse who visits me...I have had different things going wrong now for nearly two years..i know my age will go again this, as I am too old to bother with, these days,,,i was 80 last November...I have been pretty active in life,,,had my own secretarial business, and office in tow, for over 50 years...I type a lot as you see...I have been secretary to three charieies, for 20 years...and cared for elderly relatives, 7 or 8, over two years, one after the other, and one 3-4 years later...a long story..just busy, and I am now...I care for myself, I love cooking..i have a family, five grandchildren...but now they are in their 20s....and gone to univ. or travel the world...so life is rather stressful, and I have a partner.. who has his own home...he is 68....but suffers from depression...I don't ....I keep too busy...cant drive at the moment...either..i shouldn't with my eyesight like it is...so I will stop there. sorry...this is probably too long...I just need help...doctors are not helpful these days, I have had some wonderful ones in the past. regards. Barbara.