I have been suffering from chronic uti s for 3 years pretty solid and have a low grade fever most always now. I have had sepsis 3 times and it always affects my breathing when I’ve been bad enough to have to go to ER. I break out w a severe itchy rash a lot of times for the last 6 months, when I’m getting a UTI. My eyes are always trying to get infected. I get encephalitis with these UTI infections for the last year and a half. The only way I can function is to stay on antibiotics every day, but I am still not well. The fever persists and I have headaches often, now. I have to run my business and take care of my family feeling like this, always. An ANA Panel has been run three times in the last couple of years and comes back negative. I had to go to the ER about a month ago and the CT scan of my head and abdomen and pelvis showed nothing. A cystoscope and renal ultrasound showed nothing. I’ve only tested positive for the Epstein Barr Virus in all of the testing done over the years. I’ve never been diagnosed w mono, but I did get my first UTI when I was taking care of a family member w mono at 23. I had the same symptoms of Mono and was rushed to the doctor because I couldn’t even walk, but was only diagnosed with a mild UTI. I obviously had mono since I have Epstein Barr and would have tested positive if I were tested again, I’m sure. I did not get another UTI until I was 35 years old, five days after a knee surgery. I had sepsis And was rushed to the ER. My symptoms mimicked spinal meningitis and a spinal tap was even done. They could find nothing wrong with me but a UTI and my white blood cell count was, of course, extremely high. I am 41 and am now never well, with no cause or cure in sight. Doctors see no link w my sickness and Epstein Barr, however. I don’t think I will survive for years this way, anymore. Antibiotics are the only things keeping me going and they are not curing me, only tapping the infection down. Any insight of any kind would be so appreciated. Thank you