I have been taking birth control pills for over 7months. I take them faithfully, everyday at 8PM. The latest I have taken one was maybe a little over an hour, so about 9:15PM but I always take it as soon as I am available to take it. I take Lomedia 24FE. I am currently on the last week of this pack's pill, the inactive pills. Last month I got my period on the third day of the inactive pills. It lasted until the last day of the pack. I recently have had unprotected sex and the guy did not ejactulate in me. Today is the second day of the brown pills, which makes the fifth day of inactive pills. I thought yesterday my period would've came because I have been experiencing a little bit of light cramps, but my period didn't come. Usually when I have cramps, it means that my period is about to come. I experienced a light brown discharge when I went to the bathroom today, just a wipe. I used the bathroom again later and it was nothing there. What does this mean? Is my period going to come soon? Could I be pregnant?