I have been to hearing doctors over the years. The last time for vertigo. That was fixed. While there, I was tested for hearing loss. They said I have "cookie bite" hearing loss. Maybe genetic. But, I disagree. I have trouble hearing certain people due to their voices. Usually mid-tone if I am saying that correctly. No trouble with high or low sounds. It's the mid-range that is hard to hear at times. I have had constant pressure in my ears for the past 30 yrs. I am 64. Sometimes they hurt like they do today. I usually feel like I am wearing ear muffs. The pressure hurts, sometimes not much, sometimes more. The reason I don't agree with the last one saying cookie bite loss is because: when I drive to a higher elevation - maybe 1,200' elevation above sea level instead of our usual 600', my ears, one or both, will pop and I can hear beautifully with no ear pressure for maybe a minute or 2 and then the pressure is back in my ears. When it happens, I realize how loud the radio is and can't get over the difference. Also, sometimes when sitting and watching TV, one of my ears will pop and I again realize how loud the TV volume is. Due to this, I don't believe my hearing problem is due to Cookie Bite loss. I think it's my allergies that I have always had since a child. My sinuses are always driving me crazy and post nasal drip. I use Mucinex to help. It seems to take care of my all too often dry cough. I have told each ear specialist what I have just told you, but no one seems to listen. I once asked if ear tubes would help and was told no. Is there no hope for me of getting rid of the constant pressure in my ears so they are not sore from the pressure and so that I can hear better? Sure would love to have this solved before I die not knowing why and what was wrong! And it's no fun asking customers to repeat what they have said when they speak too softly. The ear pressure is more than usual today since the weather has abruptly changed since yesterday. Change of weather also gives me a headache in my sinuses. I hope this all makes sense to you. Any answers? thank you in advance!