I have bitten by a street dog in 25th June 2014.
That dog bites me on my right leg in between ankle and heel. The bite was very little scratch. After 3 days i go to the hospital and doctor told me that you don't need anti rabies
injection because the bite was just
an scratch. After 10 - 11 days i feel
little sense at the scratched place.
Near about 2 - 3 months later I feels like dizzy. Again after some days i have cough ( have like never before : RUNNY NOSE. ) In these days I suffers from SUN STROKE. Again after some days later muscles of my head becomes little fat and beats like heart but the
beats of these muscles is little faster these muscles becomes little hot also (still Same thing happens with me).
After some days i feel little pain like something is playing with my brain ( but the pain is not continuous and it is just like a little cramp and it happens 2 - 3 times in a day but the pain is for very short time.)
In these days i feel muscular beats behind my eyes and hedack ( but the hedack starts after 3 to 4 hours later i wake up in morning but in between these hours i feels like normal ( healthy).
I am having problem to concentrate, I feels like to sleep whole day and every day, I feels like dizzy, I am having muscles spam in my head and in my throat, I have cough everyday, some times I feels like I couldn't drink water but I can drink, sometimes I'm afaired of loud sound, I can't work whole day.
By fighting doctors I get rabipure vaccine on 10th Dec 2015, 14th Dec 2015, 17th Dec 2015 and 7th Jan 2016. Second vaccine is delayed by one day because of hospital was closed on that day but doctors told that one day delay is okay.
Not whole things are changed but some things are changed now.
Some days after taking vaccine I feels little comfortable like now I don't feels like dizzy, I don't feels like to sleep whole day, I can concentrate, I can work whole day.
But muscles spam in my head and in my throat is still there, sometimes I'm still feels like I couldn't drink water, still I feels little sense at scratch by dog, in short I'm dying.
Sane thing is happening with my whole family and some of my friends have same problem just
because of me.
Same things are happening with them.
All of these things are sign's and symptoms of rabies by theory and I am experiencing it.
It is also said by theory that rabies can transmit from one person to other and the thing is happening with me.
What should I do?
I this rabies?
Is my family and my friends needs rabipure vaccine?
(At least rabipure vaccine may help them to do there work and concentrate on things.)
I think i will survive for 12 to 18 months without any treatment.
I am not scared to die but I scared to loose my whole family.
PLEASE SIR I need your help...