So many medicines, and its been 3 months but not healed, doctors please HELP. 3 kinds of medicine for chlamydia but still not cured??? please help. Hi i was diagnosed to have chlamydia. Its is the 3rd medicine the doctor had prescribed. The first 2 medicines which is the Azithromicine and doxycycline did not tottaly cured me. So the doctor prescribed me a Ceftum 500mg twice daily for 6days. He said i will wait for 1 week after the last pill i take, i waited for 1 week. but there is little discharge in the tip of my penis every morning, Then he said, i have to wait for few more tomorrow would be the 2nd week of waiting. I was in in his clinic yesterday, he checked my urine, its negative, and check the tip of my penis for a swab, but he said there is nothing, and the little discharge has nothing and will be gone away in few days..Is the CEFTUM still continue to cure me even if its 2 weeks already? still the medicine continue to cure the bacteria? the doctor did not prescribe medicine. what should i do?