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I Have Got Fissure In Ano. What Should I Do ?

sir is fissure in ano is a dangerous problem i have got this problem i am taking homeopathic treatment and i feel good but after two months it happened again so is this serious plz help me
Sun, 28 Aug 2011
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Homeopath 's  Response
welcome to healthcare magic forum
If your problem is recurring then search for the reason if u are not taking regular medicine, diet care is not being done or anything else.
I would suggest u to consult the homoeopath again and also to follow the diet care like, avoid spicy oily food, oversitting, take plenty of water, liquids, salad, Papaya, green vegetables etc
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Homeopath Dr. Swati Ramkumar's  Response
Fissure in ano, refers to a crack or a tear in the anal canal. This crack or tear is subjected to irritation whenever you pass stools, leading to pain or bleeding after stools. Homeopathic medicines act by helping the anal mucosa heal, reduce anal spasms and softening the stools. In your case since the complaint has recurred after 2 months, a visit to you homeopath is suggested, who can find out the obstacle and suggest the appropriate line of treatment. In the meanwhile have a fiber rich diet like green leafy vegetables, cucumber, oats, fruits and kishmish(dried black grapes), which help in forming the bulk of the stools. Keep the area clean and dry. Sitting in a tub filled with hot water would also help in relieving the congestion.

Homeopathy would surely help you out again and offer a permanent solution for your complaints.
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Siri's  Response
Sitz bath really helps.
Ayurveda Specialist Dr. Mohan Kumar's  Response
dear friend,

if it is a chronic fissure, it is better to go for a surgical procedure (ayurvedic). but if it developed recently, best is to buy chiruvilwadi kasaya and have it two times a day in empty stomach 15 ml mixed with 30 ml of hot water. it should go in 2-3 days time.
i hope i was helpful
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Ayurveda Specialist Dr. Manish Rijhwani's  Response
It is not dangerous if treated properly
Shat Dhout Ghrut twice daily
Use KMnO4 for Sitz bath
Gandharva Haritaki 1 tsf at night with water
T. Trifala guggul 2 tab thrice a day
Have plenty of fluids and high fibre diet to avoid constipation

Dr. Manish R. Rijhwani
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Ayurveda Specialist Dr. Deepak Vyas's  Response
yes , in chronic stage it causes anal sphincter spasm & for preventing fissure in ano recurrence you has to take some dietary regime i.e.
High fiber diet
high fluid intake
avoid oily & spicy food
take Trifgol husk (dabur) it is the combination of triphala churna + isubgol husk 5gm with glassful of water at night .
Hot sitz bath
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Homeopath Dr. Ankur Prakash's  Response
fissure in ano can be well treated by homoeopathic treatment and with permanent relief avoid heavy food stuffs and take a diet rich in green vegetables chapatis should be made in wheat flour rich in choker take plenty of fluids and high fibre diet avoid rice and if motion comes ok this condition can be resolved completely and permanently with good homoeoapthic and ayurvedic treatment both
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Homeopath Dr. Alisha's  Response
Homeopathic medicines are basically aimed at improving the healing process of the fissures. They facilitate healing, improve blood circulation to affected parts, relieve the anal spasm, alleviate pain, prevent infection, relieve constipation and treat all the symptoms related to anal fissure in totallity. This goes a long way to prevent recurrence of the condition.
so i suggest you to visit your homoeopth dr for follow up.
good luck

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General Surgeon Dr. Akshata Powar's  Response
fissure in ano is not a dangerous condition but a painful need to eat a high fibre diet, avoid eating spicy meals. medications prescribed are usually bulk laxatives and topical ointments like nitrogesic ointment which helps in healing of the fissure. Acute fissures settle with medications and dietary adjustments but in chronic cases you may need to undergo surgery.
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Gastroenterologist, Surgical Dr. Ketan Vagholkar's  Response
Fissure in ano is benighn problem though it is quite painful and incapacitating. It requires proper assessement. Depending upon the nature and severity of the problen conservative or surgical treatment is advisable. You should consult a surgical gastroenterologist /general surgeon for that.
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Ayurveda Specialist Dr. Rekha's  Response
hi,fissure not a dangerous should include mor roughage in your diet,avoid spicy,refined junk food items.keep taking laxatives like isabgol to avoid constipation,you can take sitz bath for 15 mins.warm water boiled with triphla powder.for furter queries you can mail me
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Homeopath Dr. Ratnesh Pandey's  Response
welcome to HCM
fissure is not dangerous untill you are treated within is good that yu are taking medicine and this is responding.but along with that you need to take care of your diet.
so take care of your health
stay with homoeopathy feel safe
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Ayurveda Specialist Dr. Rajesh Lakhanpaul's  Response
Dear simrankhalsa
Yes this problem irritates a lot because of its chronic nature and recurrent episodes. In Ayurveda there is a surgical procedure called kshar sutra done in ano rectal clinics.This offers complete cure. If your homeopathic treatment is doing good give it a fair trial. Amongst ayurvedic medicines i can advice trifla guggul.
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Note: For further inquiries, we recommend seeking guidance from an expert homeopath. Click here to consult now
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I Have Got Fissure In Ano. What Should I Do ?

hi welcome to healthcare magic forum If your problem is recurring then search for the reason if u are not taking regular medicine, diet care is not being done or anything else. I would suggest u to consult the homoeopath again and also to follow the diet care like, avoid spicy oily food, oversitting, take plenty of water, liquids, salad, Papaya, green vegetables etc